Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vivid Baby Chick Cooking Dream

I knew that title would get someones attention. So lately, I've had rather vivid dreams that are really strange. My dreams have historically been strange, and latel I have been remembering them much better.

Last night it was about my wife trying out a cooking a new dish that involved boiling baby chicks alive with seasoning in the bath tub. Then adopting a litter of pups and kittens that chased around the half-cooked chicks for lunch. Thankfully, I managed to save most of the chicks.

Before you think I'm psycho, there is a very good explanation as to why I had this dream. I told SLou about it and she laughed. Evidently, while I slept, she was reading a book to the boys about baby chickens and they were sitting around making farm animal noises including dogs and cats. All while sitting next to me. I evidently was hearing what they were saying because I kept responding to them in my sleep. Right before I went to bed I was watching Chopped, a cooking shire on Food Network, and I took a bath to help my gout.

So as you can see there was a perfectly good explanation for that strange dream. I'm not psycho, really....

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